TEBIS eBanking Solution

SunSystems eBanking Payment Addon: 5 Reasons You Should Have Tebis

Sunsystems eBanking Payment Addon: Tebis is a software developed by TRG that performs automated accounting transactions functions. Apart from when creating a transaction in your accounting system, Tebis automates activities from extracting transaction details and sending payment notification to recipient to updating your transaction status. Considering you have a large number of transactions you want extracted from your accounting system or you want to send that important information to a pool of customers, these tasks could take a lot of efforts from you, causing a drawback for your business.

Promote eBanking Payment Efficiency

Create eBanking Transaction

Many applications have the ability to create a transaction. Creating a transaction is, however, not enough when the transactions created are stored in a silo or device where the transactions are haphazardly arranged and lost easily. Enjoy a whole new experience with how Tebis creates and manage your transactions.

Automate Extraction of Transaction Details

Globally, 69% of adults have an account with a bank. As a result, banks have customers running to millions. And every day, a large number of bank customers perform a hundred and one transactions on their account. Pulling out bulk of transactions details manually would be time consuming and stressful and even costly. Tebis eBanking Payment Addon is cost-effective and automates extraction of transaction details effortlessly.

Fill and Upload Forms

Imagine you having the need to fill and upload hundreds to thousands of forms everyday one after the other. Mind boggling? Sunsystems eBanking Payment Addon - Tebis - saves you from this day to day action which is not worth the difficulty involved. Its automated form filling and uploading gets the difficulty out of the way.


Send Payment Information to Customers

Bank customers perform hundreds of transactions and most times a recipient would have to be informed about the transaction such as in the banking sector. By this, banks are accountable and transparent to their customers. Tebis sends payment information to recipients fast - automated - whether running to hundreds or not.

Update Transaction Status

Updating each transaction carried out on customers' account is a must for every business organization, banks inclusive. Tebis update transaction status quickly and automatically allowing for a proper account keeping.


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