Participate in our events and get the opportunity to network with other professionals inside your industry.
Our meetups/events deal with the newest trends and knowledge sharing are at focus – and we appreciate the input! Therefore, we offer you the opportunity of becoming the key speaker at an event.
TRG Talks were inspired by the need to help build communities of like minded people around some topic clusters. Originally a very informal TEDx style conversation held in PJ’s Coffee Sala its now a monthly recurring “in person” event around 3 themes: Project Management on 1st Thursday, Digital (formerly Cloud) on 3rd Wednesday, and Talent on 4th Wednesday. COVID-19 has inspired TRG Talk Virtual a 3x a week (Monday-Wednesday-Friday) online event around a variety of themes with an initial emphasis on #WFH and the challenges that brings individuals, team, management, leadership and organisations.
Missed a meetup or want to know more about the contents of a past event? Look no further. We have compiled a gallery list to help you catch up. Don’t forget to register for one of our upcoming meetups!
Suggestion Box
Would you like to recommend a topic for our TRG Talk series? We will appreciate any suggestions or ideas!
Join and participate
Your chance to participate in our activities, hear the current issues and talk about the trends in this fast-paced world.