Leadership Development Solutions

Leadership Development Solutions Overview

Leadership development - the work of identifying and nurturing the next generation of leaders is of paramount importance to any organisation. To survive in today’s volatile and ever-changing environment, companies have realised the need to cherish emerging leadership skills, those that are different than what they already had in the past. Yet, many organisations now face the real difficulty of recognising and cultivating leadership talent as not only those who are close to or in the C-suit possess that calibre as well as having insufficient tools, plans in place to do so.

In nowadays' world of work, employees often involve in multiple problem-solving projects, where their decisions and the ability to navigate through ambiguity have considerable organisational implications. Hence, employees should be equipped with knowledge, skills and support to help them thrive whereas organisations need to put real work into their diligent leadership development plans.

To do so, having tools to can draw actionable insights is crucial. With that in mind, TRG is committed to providing excellent leadership development solutions that help your business shine. Our leadership development products include customised assessments and 360-degree feedback surveys based on your companies’ benchmark competencies, which you can compare to global leadership effectiveness standards. An analysis of the results will enable your organisations to obtain insights into test-takers' strengths and weaknesses of so that you can design and tailor your best leadership development plan.

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Leadership Development Needs

Leadership Potential Identification

leadership potential identification

In the modern business landscape, the battle to recruit and retain the best talent is getting tougher. To stay ahead, companies now put more and more effort into finding and nourishing employer leadership in alignment with their organisation's leadership philosophy. Yet, leadership potential can be difficult to spot, especially in individuals without leadership or managerial experiences.

TRG's Leadership Development solutions not only assist your hiring managers in realising candidates the leadership potential in the pre-hiring process but also support your training and development plan for current employees with a view to optimising their leadership calibre.

Successor Identification

successor identification

Promoting an employee to a higher position even can sometimes cause unexpected headaches to HR personnel without a succession plan in place. Identifying suitable successors for leadership and managerial positions can be a complex task, which is why companies often put it off to the last minute.

Our solutions focus on identifying management potential from all points of view (360degree feedback scheme). In addition, our solutions can also strengthen the relationship between your managers and your organisation, creating long-term partnerships and successful realisation of the individuals’ potential.

Leadership Awareness

leadership awareness

Every development process first starts with building understanding and significant awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it is crucial for a leader to solidify awareness before taking any step into the road of development.

TRG Talent offers a systematic and objective solution to identify the development needs of managers, which enables companies to provide targeted and specific support and maximise the return on the employee and leadership development investment plan. It can also help leaders to discover management issues that could lead to low employee engagement, morale, and satisfaction.

From our blog

Leadership Development Solution 1

Blurring Your Employee’s Skill Gaps and Unlock Their Potential 
Skill gaps appear when your employees lack the skills needed to achieve a specific goal, preventing them from succeeding. In other words, the term stands for when the employees cannot fulfil the needs/requirements of

Posted by Mai Hoai Thu

Leadership Development Solution 2

Incoming: the 4-Day Workweek. Are You Ready?

If you think organisations that embrace the "work from anywhere" arrangement are progressive enough, think again!

While deciding whether to employ a four-day work model or a completely virtual or hybrid workforce will give those involved a massive headache, this could be the key to unlocking productivity...

Posted by Mai Hoai Thu

Leadership Development Solution 3

How to Build a Coaching Culture in an Organisation

Behind every great athlete, every winning team is a great coach, who knows how to unlock others’ full potential. For organisations, the same principle applies.

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